This Website

So Meta

The ever changing and evolving

This portfolio site goes beyond being a mere showcase of my work; it embodies the essence of my craftsmanship, and it would be remiss not to delve into its creation process and evolutionary journey.

My site started as a class project with a 5-week deadline (design, development, and style guide) with hardcoded content and has transformed into what you see today. Now, it's headless (DatoCMS & GraphQL), ISR, Typescript, Next, and, the latest addition, Tailwind.

Justin Wallace's personal logo

Light mode style tile

Back to the basics! The first thing I did when creating this site was styling. I started with my basic logo and went from there. This is the original design for my light mode. As you can see, not much has changed.

This was also the debut of my new logo. I still maintain my original logomark, but this put a development spin on it.

Light colored style tile for this site

Dark style (the new default)

The dark mode style is near and dear to me (hence why it's the default). Obviously, I have the ability to make it use the browser preference, but I WANT people to see the dark mode. Not to mention this is a dev site.. for developers. Dark mode is where it's at.

Style tile for this site

Unit Testing with Jest

Currently, all utilities, hooks, and molecules are unit tested for a total of about 86% coverage. I know, not great and nothing to boast about. However, as soon as I can get this new version launched I will continue to finish the tests.

Performance matters

Not only is the codebase built to scale, but it's also built to be performant.

Though using Next13's default React server components makes it pretty easy, it still makes you need to rethink your state management and architecture. In doing so I was able to hit 100 on all required KPI's for the lighthouse ranking system

Key Points

  • Built with NextJS (app dir), DatoCMS utilizing SSG, ISR, and GraphQL

  • Styled with, Tailwind, class-variance-authority, and love

  • 100% designed, developed, and maintained by yours truly

  • CICD pipeline, Semantic-release, unit-testing, end-to-end testing

  • The website and the code speak for themselves. If for no other, you should check out the repo for this.
