Reducing your NextJS javascript bundle size with the bundle analyzer

An optimized NextJS plugin

Dec 4, 20223 minute read

What is the bundle analyzer and how can I use it?

It's difficult to know precisely what the final bundle output will look like or where you might have some inefficient code.

Luckily, the NextJS framework provides a quick and easy tool that you can set up to analyze your JS bundle and get an overview of your application.

How to install the NextJS bundle analyzer

As with any node package, step one is to install it with your preferred package manager.

# with yarn yarn add @next/bundle-analyzer -D # with npm npm install @next/bundle-analyzer --save-dev

We then need to define it in our next.config.js file. Or, if you don't currently have a next.config.js you need to make one at the root of your project directory, then define it.

// next.config.js const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')({ enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === 'true', });

The env variable will be used when we run the build (and to create a script in our package.json.) And finally, we add it to our exports. This will depend on your current config setup.

If you have zero configuration in your current config file
module.exports = withBundleAnalyzer({});
If you have any existing configuration in your file.
// next.config.js module.exports = withBundleAnalyzer({ images: { domains: [''], }, });

Time to run that analyzer

To run our freshly installed bundle analyzer we simple need to use the command

# with yarn ANALYZE=true yarn build # with npm ANALYZE=true npm run build

Assigning an env varies if you are using a Windows operating system. With Powershell it's $env:ANALYZE=true and with CMD (no longer maintained) it's set ANALYZE=true.

Personally, at this time, I would also set it up as a script in my package.json

// package.json scripts": { ... "build": "next build", "analyze": "ANALYZE=true yarn build" ... },

Analyzing the analyzer (reading your data)

After running the script (and your app successfully builds) your browser will open up to three windows.

  1. The client-side bundle analysis

  2. The server-side bundle analysis

  3. The edge bundle analysis

They will all look like some variation of these

Foamtree of client side JS bundle analysis
Foamtree of server side JS bundle analysis

Using this data we can now

  • See what is REALLY inside our bundle

  • Find out what modules are taking up the most space

  • See if we have any modules being added by accident

Wrapping it all up

Now that we have set up the analysis portion, the real heavy lifting begins! Optimization!

I don't currently have an in-depth article explaining some of the ways to reduce your bundle size or split your code. But I can recommend one until I do.

Here, Adrian Bece writes a fantastic piece on improving your bundle performance with code-splitting on Smashing Magazine. Until I can get an in-depth article, I hope you can get everything you need from there.

I hope I helped

Above all, I hope this was useful to someone out there. If it was, feel free to let me know. Or if you see something wrong, I love feedback. Reach out, and let's chat.
